string filePath = General.GetUserDirectory(hidUserID.Value);
//Create the query to be sent to the database
string _strWhere = "where iduser = '" + hidUserID.Value + "' and location like '%" + hidFileOrFolderName.Value + "%'";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
//Fill the dataset with the rows to be manipulated
ds = FileFolderDB.GetMultipleRows(_strWhere);
//Save the dataset in the session for the rollback operations if the database update fails
Session["DataTableBackUp"] = ds;
//Check if dataset 'ds' has any tables in it
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
#region Loop through the data set and perform database update operations
//Loop through the first table in dataset 'ds'
for (int j = 0; ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && j < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
//Assign values from the Table
string FolderLocation = ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["location"].ToString();
string _strFolderID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["idFileFolder"].ToString();
string _strUserID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["idUser"].ToString();
string _isFolder = ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["IsDirectory"].ToString();
string _filename = ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Name"].ToString();
//Check if the folderlocation has any match with the compare string
//Build first compare string with complete path of the selected folder location
string _strCompareString = hidFolder.Value;
//Escape any metacharacters in the string for absolute pattern match
_strCompareString = Regex.Escape(_strCompareString);
//Finally build our custom compare string to detect a specific pattern
_strCompareString = _strCompareString + ".";
// Check if the file/folder path matches with our compare string
if (Regex.IsMatch(FolderLocation, _strCompareString))
//Create another compare string to detect all the files and folder within the selected folder
string _strCompareString2 = hidFolder.Value + hidFileOrFolderName.Value;
_strCompareString2 = Regex.Escape(_strCompareString2);
_strCompareString2 = _strCompareString2 + ".";
//Build the replace string which has the full path of folder renamed
string _strReplaceString = hidFolder.Value + txtRenameFolder.Text.Trim();
//Split the path after the selected folder name
string[] split = Regex.Split(FolderLocation, _strCompareString2);
//Attach the full path of new folder along with above retrieved content of string
string temp = _strReplaceString + @"\" + split[1].ToString();
//Create an object of file folder for database insertion
FileFolder ff = new FileFolder();
//Set the attributes of filefolder
ff.UserID = Convert.ToInt64(_strUserID);
ff.ID = Convert.ToInt64(_strFolderID);
ff.Location = temp;
//Checksum calculation only for description purpose
if (_isFolder == "False")
string checksum = General.CalculateFileCheckSum( filePath+ ff.Location + _filename);
Database db = new Database();
// Finally update the file/folder details with new attributes
FileFolderDB.renameFolder(db, ff);
catch (Exception ex)
//When an exception occurs rollback the database to the state it was before
//Finally log the error
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